
We sort garbage automatically♻️

We sort garbage automatically♻️
19 September 2022

Мобільна лінія для сортування сміття | Mobile waste sorting line | Оборудование сортировки мусора

We sort garbage automatically♻️

The trend for secondary processing of raw materials will be in the value system of modern companies for a long time. And making this process faster and more effective is our goal.

Solid household waste sorting lines of the “KONSORT” association are designed to increase recycling productivity by 80% and significantly reduce production costs.

The use of sorting lines helps to process up to 300,000 tons of garbage per year! Such optimization is a pillar in the full cycle of waste-free production ✅

Today’s enterprise is an automated enterprise, and we are ready to help today’s business become better.

For expert advice, call: 067 116 50 25

#conveyor #ukraine #ecology #business #production #optimization #waste processing #ecology #garbage sorting #conveyor systems #automation

The use of sorting lines helps to process up to 300,000 tons of garbage per year! Such optimization is a pillar in the full cycle of waste-free production ✅