
Conveyor systems in Ukraine

Conveyor systems in Ukraine
08 October 2023

Study of the current state of the conveyor industry of Ukraine

Use of conveyor systems in Ukraine

Introduction: Ukrainian enterprises actively use conveyor systems to automate and optimize production processes. Analysis of statistical data provides a deeper understanding of the impact of these technologies on the business environment.

Conveyor systems: variety of uses

In today’s manufacturing environment, conveyor systems are a key element for the efficient movement of various materials and products. Different in size, shape and design, they are used in various industries. In this article, we will consider the importance and variety of applications of conveyor systems in Ukraine.

Conveyor systems in car manufacturing:

Conveyor equipment is actively used in the automotive industry for efficient movement of automotive parts and components along workshops. This helps to speed up production processes and reduce the probability of errors related to the movement of parts, thus increasing overall productivity.

Conveyor systems in the production of products:

Food manufacturing benefits from conveyor systems that efficiently move ingredients and finished products. In particular, in the confectionery industry, conveyors are used to move flour, sugar, butter and other ingredients, as well as to transport finished products.

Conveyor systems in electronics production:

For the production of electronics, conveyor systems are an integral element that allows you to quickly move electronic components between production stages. This facilitates fast and accurate assembly of components such as printed circuit boards and microchips.

Conveyor systems in packaging production:

Conveyor systems are actively used in packaging production for rapid movement of packaging materials and finished products. This not only increases the speed of packaging, but also increases production efficiency and reduces the possibility of errors in the transportation of goods.

Conveyor systems in textile production:

Conveyor systems play an important role in textile manufacturing, helping to efficiently move fabrics and other materials between production steps. This speeds up production processes and contributes to increased efficiency in the industry.

Conveyor systems in the mining industry:

Mining companies use conveyor equipment to move ore and other materials from mines to processing and transportation points. This helps speed up production and increase work safety.

Conveyor systems in sorting centers

Conveyor systems are used in sorting centers to efficiently move parcels and cargo. This helps to increase the speed of delivery and improves the quality of service.

Conveyor systems in the agricultural sector:

Conveyors are used in agriculture to move agricultural products, fertilizers and other materials. This simplifies processing and transportation processes, ensuring efficiency and preserving the quality of agricultural products.

Conveyor systems in the production of building materials:

The construction industry uses conveyors to transport construction materials such as cement, sand, stone, and others, which contributes to the efficiency of construction processes and reduces transportation costs.

Conveyor systems in the pharmaceutical sector:

In the pharmaceutical industry, conveyor equipment is used to move pharmaceutical raw materials and finished products. This contributes to the accurate and fast production of medical preparations and ensures high product quality.

Research on the use of conveyor systems in Ukraine.

1. Trends and applications:

According to the report of the Ukrainian Association of Manufacturers, more than 65% of large industrial enterprises of Ukraine have already implemented conveyor systems in their production processes. This trend indicates the widespread use of automation technologies in key sectors of the economy.

2. Advantages in conditions of global competition:

Statistics show that companies that implement conveyor systems see a 25-30% increase in productivity and a 15-20% reduction in logistics costs. This makes them more competitive in the world market.

3. Problems and challenges:

Although 80% of enterprises recognize the positive impact of conveyor systems, 40% of them face the challenges of high implementation costs. Statistics also indicate that the main problems are related to the need for staff training and technical support.

4. Development prospects:

According to forecasts of the State Statistical Office, a further increase in the number of enterprises implementing conveyor systems by 15% is expected by 2025. This testifies to the gradual introduction of the latest technologies and the growing level of their acceptability in the business environment.

5. Conclusion:

Statistical data confirm that the use of conveyor systems in Ukraine significantly contributes to increasing productivity and reducing production costs. Despite some challenges, the development of this technology is promising and promises significant economic and competitive gains for enterprises.

The KONSORT company is a reliable supplier of automation and modernization solutions for Ukrainian enterprises, a technological partner of domestic manufacturers of various types of products. Contact our experts for a free consultation regarding equipment or any service issues.

In today's manufacturing environment, conveyor systems are a key element for the efficient movement of various materials and products. Different in size, shape and design, they are used in various industries. In this article, we will consider the importance and variety of applications of conveyor systems in Ukraine.