
Barrel tipper (barrel carrier)

The barrel tipper (barrel carrier) is designed for storage and transportation of barrels, their tilt so to fill into other containers.

Technical characteristics:
Loading 300 kg
Made of structural steel with anti-corrosion painting (UA) конструкційна сталь з антикорозійним фарбуванням.
The equipment can be designed according to individual parameters necessary for the customer
Economic advantage:
Lower production costs Lower production costs
Lower production costs Reduction in human-related risks by 20%
Lower production costs (UA) Зниження виробничих витрат
Lower production costs (UA) Скорочення ризиків пов'язаних з людським фактором на 20%
Spheres of usage:
  • At logistics warehouses
  • At petroleum products production enterprises
  • At honey production enterprises
  • At paint production enterprises
Benefits and options:
  1. Allows you to speed up the process of unloading and loading goods at warehouse
  2. Simple in operation and durable design